Glass: The Lion for Change
BRONCE: Welcome to the group: PHD San José / TBWA Riot San José para Cambiemos la Regla Costa Rica
BRONCE: 5 days? Give me a break: Almap BBDO, Sao Paulo para O Boticário Brasil
Sustainable Development Goals
PLATA: The ecommerce of trust: DDB México City, para GAHR WeCapital México
BRONCE: Test-icles: Ogilvy, México City / Ogilvy New York, para Fundación de Alba México
BRONCE: Reviews: Africa Creative DDB, Sao Paulo, para Heinz Brasil
BRONCE: Absurd promises: VML Buenos Aires, para ASDRA Argentina
PLATA: Gesticulators: Isla República, Buenos Aires para H2Oh! Argentina
BRONCE: Shot on iPhone | Huracán Ramírez vs La Piñata Enchilada: TBWA Media Arts Lab México City / TBWA Media Arts Lab Los Ángeles / TBWA Media Arts Lab Miami / TBWA Media Arts Lab Tokyo para Apple iPhone México
BRONCE: The last trip: Grey México City para La Unión Newspaper México
BRONCE: La Argentina Hotel (Film): Mercado McCann, Buenos Aires para TyC Sports Argentina
BRONCE: Find your summer: Lola MullenLowe, Madrid para Magnum España
BRONCE: This is not a game: VML México City para Movistar México